Training at the Alliance Française de Paris

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Seminar offered by the Alliance Française de Paris and its Délégation générale in the USA, planned and organized by Isabelle Normand,  Chief of  Pédagogie et Certifications Department.

To read a full version of this report, please see the corresponding article in French

The object of the five-day seminar was to reflect on the mission and tasks falling under AF Educational Directors' responsability. The participants benefited from the Alliance Française de Paris' expertise, whose key department heads presented tools to be applied the participants' various contexts. 

The contents of the seminar targeted essentially two objectives:

  • Professionalization as reinforced by the transmission of a 'savoir-faire' regarding school management and marketing. 
  • Attempt definition of a regional project as facilitated by an extensive presentation of the Common European Framework for teaching Foreign languages (CEF) and its potentials.



  • Communication and information about CEF [...]
  • Support to AF chapters willing to adopt CEF standards [...]
  • Study: how to implement the Alliance Française de Paris Certifications [...]  
  • Reinforcing pedagogical collaboration between teaching chapters [...]
  • Follow up meetings [...]

Download and Print this report in French [including Annexes] :

Rapport DGUSA - Formation AF Paris Juin 2005.pdf

To read a full version of this report online, please see the corresponding article in French


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  • Alliance Française de Paris
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