Hubert Vedrine



Hubert Védrine was born on July 31, 1947, in Saint Sylvain de Bellegarde in the department of Creuse. After studying at Paris’s famed Sciences Po and obtaining a degree in history, he went on to study at France’s national school of administration ( E.N.A.). In 1974 he left E.N.A. (Simone Weil year) for the Ministry of Culture.

Elected as substitute deputy from the Socialist Party (PS) in the first district of Nièvre in 1978, he joined the Office of Cultural, Scientific, and Technical Relations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979. In 1981, President Francois Mitterrand named him a diplomatic adviser at the Elysée. He was 34 years old. Védrine became presidential spokesman in 1988 after the reelection of Francois Mitterrand, then secretary general in 1991. He remained there until 1995 when he returned to the Coucil of State, where he was named master of requests in 1986.  Then, in 1996, he rejoined the law firm Jeantet and Associates. That same year he published an 800-page book on the foreign policy of the former president: “The Worlds of Francois Mitterrand.”

He was selected by Lionel Jospen and ultimately named by President Jacques Chirac minister of foreign affairs in May, 1997. Védrine held this position for five years, until May 2002 which marked the end of “cohabitation,” (the period where the president represents one party and the government another). While in office he published with Domique Moisi “The Maps of France at the Time of Globalization,” in 2000. In 2003, Védrine founded a consulting firm,  “Hubert Védrine Conseil,” specializing in geopolitical strategy. He subsequenly worked with several large French firms, including Gide Loyrette Nouel.

That same year he published a selection of his articles and speeches from the years 1995 – 2003 under the title “In the Face of the Hyperpower.” In addition, Védrine has presided over the Francois Mitterrand Institute since 2003.

His expertise in international relations has led him to regularly publish news analyses in the French and foreign press. He also participates in numerous colloquiums and has served as moderator since 2003 for a seminar on international relations at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris.




1. Will American leadership be supplanted ? 

2. Can the Middle East Question Be Resolved ?

3. Does the World Face a Potential Conflict of Civilizations ?


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