Cultural Programming 2006-2007

Monday, April 03, 2006

Dear Friends,

You will find below the Delegation generale proposals for the 2006-2007 cultural season.


Our dossier includes 23 speakers.
19 will be touring the country at specific dates, 4 will be available on request from an Alliance francaise and a WACA chapter. (To view the list of cities where both an Alliance francaise and a WACA chapter are present, click here.)

  • To view our proposals, listed in alphabetical order, and including a biography, a photo, and the synopses of their lectures, click here.
  • To view our proposals, listed in chronological order and arranged in calendar-format, click here.
  • To register your Alliance / institution for one or several lectures, you can do so online OR download the documents and send by regular mail.

The registration will only be valid upon receiving a deposit check:

  • by May 30, 2006, for the September to December lectures.
  • by August 30, 2006, for the January to June lectures.



Our proposals are organized in categories :

Jazz music, classical music, “Voices from France,” and theater. You may program one performance from any of these categories during each of the following three time periods: one between September and December, one between January and March, and another one between April and May.

In addition to these categories, a number and variety of other performances is available:
chanson, shows for children, puppet shows, storyteller, “musical” lecture.
Two exhibitions are available for tours, one documentary and the other artistic.

21 projects are available:

To view our proposals, arranged in working documents with hypertext links to websites, click here.

To view our proposals, listed in chronological order and arranged in calendar-format, click here.

To register your Alliance / institution in a cultural tour, you can do so online OR download the documents and send by regular mail.

The registration will only be valid upon reception of a deposit check:

  • by May 31, 2006, for the September to December performances.
  • by August 30, 2006, for the January to June performances.

Registration, confirmation, organization procedures

One form to fill out, valid for all speakers, but with one “text box” per speaker.
One form to fill out for each performing art show / exhibition.

All details concerning these registration procedures can be found following the documents to be filled out.

Thank you for reading these conditions carefully before filling out the forms, printing them, then signing them and eventually sending them by post.

Following these rules, especially as far as the calendar is concerned, will make it possible for you and us to work more efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation…


You will find here as an example, the template of a letter which can be used to forward the calendar of our speakers for 2006 2007 to your usual partners (or potentially new partners). You may be surprised to find out how many university departments or museums are willing to cover the expenses and the organization of some of these lectures when given on their premises. These high profile lectures can benefit your members and enhance the visibility of your Alliance, which will remain our sole contact. The mere mention, “Lecture organized in partnership with the Alliance francaise” can be a major benefit to your Alliance and bring attention to it, even if your involvement is restricted to being a middle party or to holding the welcoming speech alongside the Head of Department on the day of the lecture.

In conclusion

I look forward to working with you, and invite you to get in touch with either myself or Charlotte for any questions you might have concerning the upcoming season.

Bien cordialement à toutes et à tous,


Thierry Lagnau
Délégué général adjoint


Contact your AF

Related Sites

  • Fondation Alliance Française
  • Alliance Française de Paris
  • Cultural Services of the French Embassy
  • Federation of Alliance Française USA

Délégation générale de l’Alliance Française aux Etats-Unis
French Embassy, 4101 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007 USA
202.944.6353 | Fax 202.944.6347

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