Le mot du Délégué général

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Dear Friends,

There’s no doubt about it, spring is on its way -

the cherry blossoms are blooming in Washington,

the English version of the catalogue for the upcoming cultural season is now available from the Délégation générale, and

the Fondation Alliance Française has sent its annual questionnaire, concerning 2009, to 968 Alliance Française chapters worldwide…

While Washington’s blooming cherry blossoms might be of limited interest to the Alliance Française chapters in the United States, the English version of the 2010-2011 cultural season catalogue is, on the other hand, a precious tool for use in approaching potential local partners.

We have already received a number of registrations for the tours offered next season and I would like to remind you that May 31st is the final deadline. It is all the more imperative to respect this date, since Gabrielle du Boucher will be handling this part of the season’s calendar.

Isabelle Gruet has announced her departure from the Délégation générale.  In mid-May, she will be moving to Paris to become the Director of International Production for a group of artists, including Irina Brook, James Thiérée, Jean-Luc Revol and the Philippe Genty company.   This marks a wonderful next step in Isabelle’s career.  I would like to congratulate her and to highlight the active role that she played in developing the cultural sector of the Alliance Française network in the United States, a sector that has grown remarkably in the past few years, especially in terms of partnerships.  

Gabrielle, who joins Melissa and me in wishing Isabelle good luck, has agreed to lengthen her stay in the United States and will therefore be able to oversee cultural events until July 31st, when the next intern will take over for the 2010-2011 season.  Gabrielle will therefore be your sole contact for cultural events as of Wednesday, May 12th.

Another important note in this springtime editorial – the Fondation Alliance Française’s 2010 Questionnaire relating to fiscal year 2009 is to be completed online as soon as possible.  A first copy of the questionnaires will be received and validated by the Délégation générale before they are forwarded on.  If you have not received the 2009 questionnaire from the Fondation, which was sent to you by email with your chapter’s ID, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at .

For more information on how to fill out this document, please click on the following link: questionnaire 2010.

Finally, the Radio France Internationale partnership that was mentioned in the last AF en Bref will be postponed by a few weeks.  RFI has asked that interested Alliance Française chapters not yet take the first steps until they are given the green light, which will be communicated in one of our future e-newsletters.


Thierry Lagnau
Délégué général


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Related Sites

  • Fondation Alliance Française
  • Alliance Française de Paris
  • Cultural Services of the French Embassy
  • Federation of Alliance Française USA

Délégation générale de l’Alliance Française aux Etats-Unis
French Embassy, 4101 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007 USA
202.944.6353 | Fax 202.944.6347

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