Tf1-LCI Offer

Friday, October 14, 2005

As a result of the partnership with tf1-LCI, the Alliance française spot has been downloadable from the "News" section of the etf1 website for the past 5 months. Tf1 and LCI also aired this spot ("Les mots") in prime-time all through February and March, and registered very positive feedback among the thousands of viewers.

The partnership with TF1-LCI also translates into a special discount extended to all Alliances Françaises. The subscription to the 'Actualités françaises et internationales' of the etf1 website is offered at 45 euros per year instead of 50.

To learn more about this offer :  Ask for your code: 



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  • Fondation Alliance Française
  • Alliance Française de Paris
  • Cultural Services of the French Embassy
  • Federation of Alliance Française USA

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