
AF Placement Test

Self Assessment Overview

Identify the description that applies the best to your background and click it to review sample skills corresponding to your experience.

if... ... then I should probably test for the following CEFR level

I took French for anywhere between 1 and 3 years in High School or College, and never had a chance to practice and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for a period of less than a year, only a few hours a week, and with good results, then ...

A 1

I took French for anywhere between 4 and 10 years in High School and College but have not had a chance to practice for a long time and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for more than a year and less than 2 years with good results, then ...

I took French for anywhere between 4 and 10 years in school and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels, classes, work assignments...) and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for more than 3 years and less than 4 years with good results , then ...

I took French for about 10 years or more and managed to practice on and off until now (through reading, travels, classes, work assignment...) and/or In the recent past, I took French lessons for more than 4 years with good results, then ...