Le mot de la Présidente
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Communication from the Federation of Alliances Françaises USA
Chers amis, Bonne Année!
Que 2009 soit remplie de joie et bonheur pour vous tous.
The Federation of Alliances Francaises looks forward to a productive year, certainly a challenging one in this economy. We hope that the Colloque this next week will offer the opportunity to gather ideas that can be put to good use in our network.
Looking ahead, we have chosen a date and place for the Mid-Year Board meeting which will be held in Dearborn, Michigan at the historic Dearborn Inn, across from the Henry Ford Museum. We also felt that this would be a central location and good opportunity to have a Midwestern Regional Meeting. Save the dates of April 23-26 in your calendars and more information will be sent your way in February.
Thanks to all of you for your submissions for "Le Magazine", we hope it will be an informative issue.
A bientôt,
Mimi Gregory
President of the Federation