Cultural Grants Announcement
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A Communication of the Federation of Alliances Françaises USA
The Cultural Development Grant Committee is happy to announce the winners of the First Round of Cultural Development Grant Awards.
We congratulate the winners on their excellent grant proposals. A total of $10,000 was awarded. The deadline for the Second Round is October 1st.
Here are the proud winners and a brief synopsis of their grant award:
Buffalo:For hosting "Quatuor de Chartres avec Philippe Duchesne"
as a part of a collaborative effort to bring this special event to their community at-large.
Chicago: To coordinate with Black History Month the presentation of
the play 'Comme Deux Freres' performed by La Compagnie Siyaj and written by Maryse Conde, 2007 One Book-One Federation author.
Kansas City: To assist in bringing Pierre Sauvage of the Chambon
Foundation as a keynote speaker to culuminate a series of events titled "World War II in France: A Civilian Perspective: We were there".
Puerto Rico: To promote an extensive program of French cultural immersion events.
Tampa: To support a series of lectures exploring the philosophical concept of "taste" particularly its relevence in our modern society.
Tucson: To assist in bringing the musical group " Duo Nogales-Barnat" for a potential four-way cross-cultural exchange in this multi-cultural region.