E-mail your test
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E-mail the text to the Alliance Française of your choice and to yourself for your records :
Your written test will be reviewed by an instructor. Please provide more information so as to be contacted for a short interview in English and French.

All mandatory fields are marked with a (*).
This information is required for the one-time purpose of this placement test and will not be used for other purposes under any condition unless otherwise authorized by you.

First name
Last name
Home Address (Street)
Zip code
E-mail address
Preferred phone number
Preferred days & time to be contacted by an instructor
When do you plan to start taking classes?
What type of class are you interested in?
Private Group Intensive *
How did you hear about Alliance Française?
Why are you interested in taking French classes ?
What is your current occupation ?
What age group do you belong to ?
Please select the state/territory of your choice
Select the Alliance Française of your choice:


E-mail the text you wrote to yourself only

Type your e-mail address :